Saturday, November 11, 2006
...and I'm baaack!
Alas, on my 3-day weekend it just happened to be raining. So, as I sit in my living room in my pajamas, I've decided once again to start blogging. Remember, ages ago, when I used to blog as a sort of independent project of some guys from NY? There was a whole casting and blah, blah, blah... after a few weeks I was one of the "chosen ones." Although it was an odd experience because of the exposure I still loved it. It was during that moment in time that I was able to really write about what was on my mind. My writing became interesting and people who were not my friends thought my ramblings were enjoyable. After that experience I never continued being a regular blogger. That site is no longer exists but I do have access to my old posts.

So here I am again, world. My writing is quite rusty since it's been a few years, but nevertheless...... I'm back!
posted by me @ 2:43 PM  
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